“From carnal intimacy to online activity,” or sexual sponsorship during the pandemic
The purpose of this article is to determine the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the phenomenon of sexual sponsorship, particularly the relationship between the sponsor (male) and the sponsored person (female). The narratives of six women who function in sponsored relationships form the basis for research conclusions in the area indicated. In-depth interviews conducted with the women led to the following research conclusions: (1) The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has changed the nature of many sponsorship relationships. On one hand, it has made them more challenging by introducing concerns about health, difficulties in direct contact between partners, and the need to redefine mutual expectations. On the other hand, it has provided an opportunity for new individuals, such as women, to enter the industry and develop it. For example, some women fulfill their partners’ sexual needs solely online. (2) The previous physical closeness and contact between the sponsored person and the sponsor have been replaced by various forms of online sexual activities. Women in sponsorship relationships have expanded their roles, transitioning from being lovers to friends or caretakers. Concerns about personal health and the well-being of family members have led to a reduction in direct meetings or even the termination of relationships. Women entering sponsorship relationships have also become concerned about their position in the sex industry and have consequently expanded their sexual offerings in the virtual world.
sponsorship relations; sexual sponsorship; pandemic; sex services
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