Social rehabilitation as the goal of a prison sentence
Imprisonment occupies an unparalleled central place within the system of penal sanctions all over the world. In principle, the function of this kind of a penalty has remained unchanged over the centuries, which is retribution. It is assumed that the penal isolation, properly imposed, should, however, fulfill not only the role of retaliation, but also the social rehabilitation function. Participation of convicts in the process of their social rehabilitation finds support not only in their individual interest, but also in an important social interest. The latter fact, however, is not noticed by the public opinion, which usually sees only the privileges of individual convicts in the process of serving a sentence of imprisonment without a broader perspective of assessing this process as a phenomenon with broad social connotations.
The aim of the article is to analyze how to reconcile the retaliatory and social rehabilitation functions of imprisonment in the process of its enforcement.
imprisonment; retribution; rehabilitation; social interes
Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie Poland
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