Competence to conduct prevention activities as a context for professionalization of the prevention specialist profession
The authors of the article take the position that it is worthwhile to look at prevention activities through the prism of competence to conduct such activities. In the era of legislative changes sanctioning the requirements for practicing the profession of psychotherapist, including addiction psychotherapist, work has also begun on defining the formal requirements for practicing the profession of prevention. The authors pose questions about the meaning and direction of formalization of this area of activity of psychologists, educators, teachers, and doctors, drawing on the approaches to preventive competence described in the literature and international standards of quality of addiction prevention programs. They also present the results of field research on the competence to conduct prevention programs in schools and educational institutions. In light of current legislative changes, but also dynamic changes in the area of risk behaviors, including addictions, defining formal requirements to perform the tasks of implementers of preventive activities seems necessary in the context of striving for the highest possible quality of services in the area of prevention of addictions and other risk behaviors.
prevention; profession-preventionist; preventive competencies; professional qualifications
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