A model for all? Disputes over the concept of recidivism risk assessment


The Risk-Need-Responsivity Model developed in Canada has met with a number of objections and concerns from rehabilitation theorists and practitioners. This text is an attempt to approximate the ongoing discussion in the world, which hinges on the question of whether one can estimate the risk of re-offending, and if so, what criteria should be used and how they should be corrective intervention treatments be constructed so that they are efficient and effective.


RNR Model; estimating risk of recidivism; Good Lives Model; criminogenic needs; prevention; social rehabilitation treatments

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Published : 2014-07-30

Chojecka, J. (2014). A model for all? Disputes over the concept of recidivism risk assessment. Resocjalizacja Polska, (7), 85-100. Retrieved from https://www.resocjalizacjapolska.pl/index.php/rp/article/view/200

Jana Chojecka 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu  Poland

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