The case of Anders Breivik. Analysis of selected dimensions


The spectacular case of Anders Breivik has caused and is causing far-reaching social repercussions. The article analyzes following the grounded method (Konecki K.T.,
2018, Classic Grounded Theory–The Latest Version: Interpretation of Classic Grounded Theory as a Meta-Theory for Research, „Symbolic Interaction”, 41, s. 547–564), Thanks to
which, out of a huge amount of material and possible variables, it was possible to "distil" four basic dimensions as constitutive and, as it could be stated later, common to many other cases that had place before and after the attack on 22/7. These dimensions are: dysfunctional social relationships in childhood, narcissism, Internet addiction and incel status, and experiencing shame. All these dimensions occur together and in extreme intensity. Thanks to this, a kind of conceptual matrix was obtained that allows to
adopt a specific approach in the analyzes of similar cases. This matrix also enables the understanding of the toxic sources embedded in the contemporary civilization of the incident.

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Published : 2021-12-27

Czykwin, E. (2021). The case of Anders Breivik. Analysis of selected dimensions. Resocjalizacja Polska, (22), 359–375.

Elżbieta Czykwin 
ChAT, Warszawa,  Poland

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CitedBy Scopus

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