Caning in Singaporean society Judicial and school dimensions of corporal punishment


The purpose of this article is to discuss caning as applied in Singapore from the perspective of an “outsider”. Attention was given to understanding the phenomenon, including the colonial past, but also the values ingrained in the culture with the future needs of the country in mind. In the assumed approach, tensions emerge that are overcome by a strong orientation toward compliance with legal norms. The judicial and school dimensions of caning as a basic punishment were analyzed to recognize the social meaning and magnitude of corporal punishment on their examples. This includes acceptance of corporal punishment as part of discipline and educational interactions within the family. The arguments and evidence presented in the paper are mainly based on a review of the literature on the subject, the results of research conducted in this area, analysis of source documents and newspaper articles and statements on social networks publicized in the media.


corporal punishment; judicial caning; school caning; schools; discipline; Singapore

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Published : 2021-09-23

Nowosad, I. (2021). Caning in Singaporean society Judicial and school dimensions of corporal punishment. Resocjalizacja Polska, (21), 135-153.

Inetta Nowosad
University of Zielona Góra  Poland

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