Physical Activity in Prisons and the Basic Dimensions of Personality of Men Serving Prison Sentences


This article applies to physical activity (PA) in prisons. In studies on the search about relationships between physical activity of inmates and its personality correlates were used questionnaire methods. One group consisted of men incarcerated in prisons (N = 121) who are physical activity, and a comparison group consisted of physically inactive inmates (N = 128). They were aged from 22 to 55 years. Most of the respondents are the men with primary or lower secondary and vocational education (over 90%). Studies have shown that prisoners regularly participating in programs in the field of physical culture and sports have a higher emotional stability ( p < 0.05) and higher levels of extraversion ( p < 0.05). There are different levels while psychoticism ( p = 0.80). This paper is a section of larger studies on the psychological correlates of physical activity in prisons


physical activity; prison; personality

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Published : 2015-07-28

Jaworska, A. (2015). Physical Activity in Prisons and the Basic Dimensions of Personality of Men Serving Prison Sentences. Resocjalizacja Polska, (9), 137-157. Retrieved from

Anetta Jaworska 
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku  Poland

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