The Electronic Supervision System in the Opinion of Convicts in Prisons


The subject of study and analysis is formulating an evaluation of Electronic Supervision System by convicts. As a tool author’s Questionnaire of Electronic Supervision System Evaluation was used which contained scale of lie. Frame of mind was also controlled. To verify hypothesis formulation methods diagnostic sounding and statistical and comparative analysis were used. Factor analysis demonstrated that perception of Electronic Supervision System doesn’t bring a unitary opinion-opinions of ESS are incoherent in which we can single out three factors : Negative evaluations, Positive evaluations and Stigmatization. It turned out that “non flashing” prisoners have much more negative evaluation results of ESS than “flashing” prisoners. There weren’t any significant differences in terms of positive evaluations and perceptible Stigmatization between ‘flashing” and “non flashing’ groups.


Electronic Supervision System; stigmatization; evaluation of Electronic Supervision System

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Published : 2019-12-12

Nowacki, Z. (2019). The Electronic Supervision System in the Opinion of Convicts in Prisons. Resocjalizacja Polska, (10), 229-244. Retrieved from

Zbigniew Nowacki 
Prison in Pińczów  Poland

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