Employability of vocational school’s graduates: The closed circle of the educational-vocational dimension of the ‘Matthew Effect’


The article concerns the phenomenon referred to as the ‘Matthew Effect’ in the educational-professional context, as well as the issue of educational and vocational guidance as an optimizing activity for the transition from school to the job market for youth from disadvantaged groups. Thus, issues rarely addressed in contemporary pedagogical literature were raised – vocational education, its students, and graduates. The study was based on a survey conducted in 2021 (using survey techniques) aimed at characterizing the aspirations and plans as well as the educational and vocational choices made by youth (primary school students N=1099 and post-primary school students N=903); understanding the youth’s opinions on the category of „success”; characterizing the associations accompanying youth regarding educational paths enabling vs hindering achievement of professional success and prestigious vs non-prestigious occupations; characterizing the process of vocational guidance and describing its desired form by students. The issues addressed included questions such as: What is the structure of educational and vocational choices, aspirations in this area, and educational and vocational plans of youth? How do youth perceive life and career success? How is the school vocational guidance process perceived by youth? Decades of research results (Bourdieu, Passeron 1990; Carter 2007; Kuzior 2014; Kozłowski, Matczak 2014) indicate a correlation between a child’s educational success and the parents’ status – children from families with high socio-cultural status mainly attend „good schools”, where parents are involved in the child’s educational activities, achieving higher exam results and educational aspirations. Therefore, the thought, „For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them” (Mt 25, 29 according to the Millennium Bible) materializes in the educational-professional context. Therefore, students of vocational schools can be described as a secondarily disadvantaged group. Their individual resources (which constitute the basic value in the recruitment process – transition from primary to post-primary school), marked by family and social context, lead them to schools that (in societal opinion regarding the stereotyping of such education) do not create future prospects. Thus, various types of schools (general vs vocational, technical schools providing vocational training) also become stigmatized, attracting or repelling candidates with diverse potentials. Thus, the cycle repeats, and attempts to change the depreciated face of vocational education, aiming to ‘attract’ students with social and educational potential who would meet the increasingly advanced technological (and thus intellectually demanding) offerings of vocational education and become ambassadors of this type of education in the future, end in failure.


The Matthew Effect; youth; students of vocational schools; job market; vocational counseling

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Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 12 lutego 2019 r. w sprawie doradztwa zawodowego, Dz.U. 2019 poz. 325.

Published : 2024-08-07

Kozielska, J. (2024). Employability of vocational school’s graduates: The closed circle of the educational-vocational dimension of the ‘Matthew Effect’. Resocjalizacja Polska, (27), 197–211. https://doi.org/10.22432/PJSR.2024.27.13

Joanna Kozielska 
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  Poland

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