Diagnosis of the situation and needs of people working with street children in Poland using the streetworking method. Research report


The article presents the results of research whose aim was to diagnose the situation and needs of people working with street children using the streetworking method in Poland. For this purpose, non-governmental organisations cooperating with the Federation of Streetworker Organisations for Children and Youth F.O.S., whose members work for street children and use the streetworking method, were invited to participate in the research. In the end, 15 organisations and 30 active streetworkers were surveyed. The research had the character of a multi-stage process falling within the strategy of qualitative research using such research methods as a diagnostic survey at the pilot study stage, an individual in-depth semi-structured interview, a focus group interview and elements of action research. The research tool was an interview disposition questionnaire constructed by the project team. The research procedure as well as the development of the results followed the rigours of accepted research methodology and led to surprising conclusions. The article concludes with research findings, conclusions and recommendations for practice. The article presents an overview of selected approaches to the problem of outreach methods including streetworking, defines the phenomenon of street children and presents the applied methodology of qualitative research. The main problem takes the form of a question which was sought to be answered during the research proceedings: what is the situation and what are the needs of streetworkers working with street children in Poland?


streetworking; outreach methods; street children

Published : 2023-09-28

Michel, M. (2023). Diagnosis of the situation and needs of people working with street children in Poland using the streetworking method. Research report. Resocjalizacja Polska, (25), 191-209. https://doi.org/10.22432/pjsr.2023.25.12

Małgorzata Michel 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland

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