Mobbing in the working environment of women functioning in the state administration versus the organizational culture


Mobbing as a pathological phenomenon is a great threat in the work environment. Hostile and unethical, systematically repeated behaviors in different professional relationships, cause psychological, psychosomatic and social destruction of the worker (Wyleżałek, 2012). In the literature on the subject, the most common factors contributing to this type of behavior include: low level of organizational culture, inappropriate atmosphere in the work environment, incorrect social relations, unfair division of tasks and evaluation of employees’ effort, overloading with duties (Kędziora, Śmiszek 2010; Chodkowski 2019). Guided by these premises, the subject of this article is mobbing in the working environment of women functioning in the state administration. This issue is considered in the context of the culture of the organization. The study included 148 women, of which 142 correctly completed questionnaires were qualified for the analysis. The research was conducted with the help of the MDM Questionnaire (Mobbing, Dręczenie, Molestowanie – Mobbing, Bullying, Harassment) and Organizational Culture Assesment Instrument (OCAI). The analysis of the empirical material showed a complex system of relationships between various dimensions of mobbing in the surveyed professional environment and the culture of the organization.


Mobbing; professional work of women; state administration; organizational culture

Published : 2023-09-28

Klim-Klimaszewska, A., & Nowosad, K. N. (2023). Mobbing in the working environment of women functioning in the state administration versus the organizational culture. Resocjalizacja Polska, (25), 29-50.

Anna Klim-Klimaszewska 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach  Poland
Katarzyna Nowosad Nowosad 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach  Poland

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