The impact of regular dance classes on self-image and emotional state of demoralized female adolescents


Article present the possibilities of use dance classes and psychosocial factors in a specific environmental associated with among demoralized adolescents. In this paper presents research conducted on a group of adolescents whose behaviour is characterized by demoralization and whose commitment of criminal offences resulted in them becoming the subject of an confinement corrective measure, i.e. being placed in a youth educational centre. The Adjective Check List ACL created by H.G. Gough and A. Helibrun, as well as the Profile of Mood States (POMS) developed by McNair, Lorr and Droppleman were used in the research. After twelve weeks of systematic dance classes, the test was repeated and noticeable changes in self-perception of the surveyed girls were observed. The average values of 14 out of 37 scales of the ACL questionnaire after the end of the project differed significantly (p <0.05) compared to the results before the start of the project. Moreover, after each week of the project, a comparison of the survey results with the POMS questionnaire was carried out in terms of the severity of individual moods. The analysis shows that the subjects successively had a significant decrease in the level of all five negative states and an increase in positive mood

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Published : 2021-12-27

Banio, A. (2021). The impact of regular dance classes on self-image and emotional state of demoralized female adolescents. Resocjalizacja Polska, (22), 547–564.

Adrianna Banio 
University of Szczecin  Poland

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