The psychosocial functioning of juveniles from youth educational centres (YECs) during the Covid-19 pandemic


After almost a year of the pandemic situation, it is obvious that Covid-19 has changed our lives in all aspects, and one of them is the social rehabilitation process in Youth Educational Centres.  In this new reality, these institutions have to find out how to deal with the challenges and  how to respond to new problems and demanding tasks. The starting point for the present study is analysing the pupils’ point of view. What has been changing in these institutions  because of Covid-19 and what should be changed in the future? YECs have been cooperating with other schools and organizations but it  has been changed by the pandemic. The quantitative  on-line survey was conducted with 202 participants: boys and girls from four YECs located in different parts of Poland. The main research question is as follows: How do pupils from YECs cope with the Covid-19 situation and its consequences? According to the results it can be concluded that the situation of social isolation has had a negative impact on the participants. They highlighted at least one negative aspect of this situation.  Undoubtedly, that the social isolation affected their performance in a negative way, which is also crusial for the process of their psychological development. The process of data analysis has allowed the authors to arrive at some conclusions, the most important one being that generally girls perceive the pandemic situation as a biger threat than boys do. The presented research can be the starting point for the further research projects.

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Źródła internetowe

Published : 2021-12-27

Siemionow, J., & Atroszko, B. (2021). The psychosocial functioning of juveniles from youth educational centres (YECs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Resocjalizacja Polska, (22), 429–450.

Justyna Siemionow 
Uniwersytet Gdański  Poland
Bartosz Atroszko 
Uniwersytet Gdański  Poland

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