Vocational Guidance (Career Guidance) for Adolescents in the Context of Social Rehabilitation


Identity crisis is a standard occurrence in adolescence. Inability to select one’s vocational identity that determines one’s ability to join at the right time the circle of tasks and responsibilities of the middle adulthood is a major development barrier in adolescence. An internal identity crisis experienced by a young person, that involves finding one’s life orientation and includes educational and vocational projects, occurs in a specific socialization context. This article presents selected aspects of forming one’s vocational identity and building one’s career capital in adolescence as part of work socialization that takes place in the family and at school. It discusses the consequences caused by disturbed work socialization in these environments that may, among others, result in random vocational choices, preserve an attitude of indifference to work, enhance persistent indecisiveness in the labour market, and consequently, bring about marginalization and social exclusion.

As a vital component of successful socialization, and particularly of successful social rehabilitation, vocational guidance may provide support in solving potential problems associated with forming one’s vocational identity and building one’s career capital in adolescence. The new vocational guidance paradigm presented in this article is known as career guidance in the literature. Career guidance applies to the dynamic process of making and changing frequent career choices throughout one’s life based on an in-depth self-diagnosis of one’s resources and knowledge of the labour market; it deals with confrontations between an individual and many desired social roles, the formation of individual’s responsibility for his/her life, and an active accumulation of one’s career capital. Due to their particularly difficult life situations, adolescents from disfavoured backgrounds need vocational guidance (career guidance) that instead of offering isolated activities flexibly combines varied psychopedagogical interactions, including crisis intervention, and therapeutic and social work.

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Published : 2021-12-27

Piorunek, M. (2021). Vocational Guidance (Career Guidance) for Adolescents in the Context of Social Rehabilitation. Resocjalizacja Polska, (22), 81–99. https://doi.org/10.22432/rp.390

Magdalena Piorunek 
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych UAM Poznań  Poland

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