Organizational environment factors and the work of individuals serving sentences of imprisonment


This article focuses on the issue of undertaking work by individuals sentenced to imprisonment in the context of organizational environment factors in the model developed by M. Leiter. This model addresses the following factors: workload, sense of control, rewards, community support, sense of fairness and values. Presented here are the results of a study conducted in penitentiary units among working individuals serving sentences of imprisonment. The obtained results indicate that the knowledge of organizational factors responsible for the social climate of the workplace may be meaningful for the effectiveness of the process of social readaptation of convicts working there.


prison labor; working life; organizational environment factors; social readaptation of convicts

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Published : 2021-09-24

Pięta-Chrystofiak, M. (2021). Organizational environment factors and the work of individuals serving sentences of imprisonment. Resocjalizacja Polska, (21), 435-459.

Marta Pięta-Chrystofiak
University of Gdańsk  Poland

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