Nadzór sądowy nad procesem resocjalizacji więźniów w polskim systemie penitencjarnym


In the Polish penitentiary system, penitentiary judges supervise the legality and correctness of executing solitary confinement sentences and temporary detention. An analysis of the regulations defining the scope of this supervision leads to the conclusion that its exercise requires, above all, proficiency in interpreting and applying the law, e.g. for assessing the legality of the prison administration’s conduct or in explaining the correct application of specific provisions. The full scope of penitentiary supervision, however, is co-created by tasks that confront penitentiary judges with the necessity of having the competence to assess the correctness of the implemented change-forming interventions towards the detainees. This raises the question of the legitimacy and capacity of penitentiary judges to implement penitentiary supervision to such a broad extent. In the search for answers, opinions of penitentiary educators were obtained regarding the actual areas of supervision exercised by penitentiary judges, the ways in which it is exercised, and the expectations of educators regarding penitentiary supervision, taking into account the process of social rehabilitation implemented by them.


penitentiary supervision; social rehabilitation of prisoners; legality of imprisonment; validity of punishment; penitentiary judge

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Published : 2021-09-24

Łapiński, P. (2021). Nadzór sądowy nad procesem resocjalizacji więźniów w polskim systemie penitencjarnym. Resocjalizacja Polska, (21), 401–415.

Piotr Łapiński
Higher School of Criminology and Penitentiary Science in Warsaw  Poland

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