A Polish adaptation of Self-Stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records – SSICR


This study presents the Polish version of the Self-Stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records (SSICR) and examines a theoretical model of self-stigma in which perceived stigma leads to stereotype agreement, internalized stigma, and then to anticipated stigma. The adaptation procedure was carried out in accordance with the standards for checking the equivalence of tests on a group of 186 criminal offenders aged 19 to 84 (M=36.4, SD=11.7). Reliability was estimated on the basis of Cronbach’s α indices, factor validity was verified on the basis of confirmatory factor analysis. The validity of the tool was also tested. The obtained results allow to state that the SSICR is a tool with acceptable psychometric properties.


self-stigma; prisoners; questionnaire; criminals; adaptation

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Published : 2021-09-24

Friedrich, W. (2021). A Polish adaptation of Self-Stigma of Individuals with Criminal Records – SSICR. Resocjalizacja Polska, (21), 363–380. https://doi.org/10.22432/pjsr.2021.21.21

Wiola Friedrich  wiola.friedrich@gmail.com
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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