The process of adolescence in the context of parental incarceration


For several years there has been growing interest in the issue of child development and the occurrence of behavioral disorders in the context of parental incarceration. Researchers are attempting to determine whether parental incarceration is a symptom of global family dysfunctionality or rather an independent risk factor a child may be exposed to? This paper presents an analysis of the major research to date on adolescent children of incarcerated parents, recommendations for future research, and examples of interventions intended for this group.


adolescent; incarcerated family; model of human development

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Published : 2021-09-23

Dzierzyńska-Breś, S. (2021). The process of adolescence in the context of parental incarceration. Resocjalizacja Polska, (21), 99-116.

Sonia Dzierzyńska-Breś
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  Poland

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