Styles of Humor of Wards and Educators and Social Climate of Juvenile Correctional Institutions


The article includes a presentation of the results of the empirical research, whose purpose was to diagnose the social climate of correctional institutions for juvenile and styles of humor presented by educators and wards of these establishments, as well as to determine the relationship between these variables. The research sample (testing by the Scale of the Social Climate and the Humor Styles Questionnaire) was a group of 162 students and 52 teachers from the four Youth Educational Facilities. A survey revealed that the social climate of Youth Educational Facilities is most similar to the type “caring-tutorial”, and that in the inter- and intrapersonal functions, both educators and students, adaptive styles of humor outweigh the non-adaptive styles. In addition, it was found that wards, through presenting adaptive humor styles, seem to have a greater impact on the creation of a social climate of Youth Educational Facilities, then their educators. In the resilience perspective an adaptive humor occurs as a unique “site of resistance,” which enables socially maladjusted youth to “bouncing back from the bottom”.


homor; styles of humor; juvenile correctional institutions; social climate

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Published : 2017-01-29

Karłyk-Ćwik, A. (2017). Styles of Humor of Wards and Educators and Social Climate of Juvenile Correctional Institutions. Resocjalizacja Polska, (12), 173-194.

Anna Karłyk-Ćwik 
Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa we Wrocławiu  Poland

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