Preparing students of social rehabilitation pedagogy to apply new technologies in the prevention of problems of adolescents


The Internet and interactive tools, as numerous studies show, are beginning to determine the actions of the whole society, not only of young people. As a consequence, new
technologies, as commonly used and accepted, should also be included in prevention and rehabilitation activities – as an element supporting and diversifying the above. The question
is, are we ready for this? What knowledge and skills do students as future employees of educational centers, shelters for minors or correctional facilities have in this respect? Does,
and if so – to what extent the knowledge of the factors conducive to effective prevention motivates them to learn about interactive teaching methods and educational tools supporting prevention activities? This article is, i.a., an attempt to answer the above questions. The studies submitted to the readers’ hands were cyclical and were repeated every year
for a period of 5 years. The research material was collected on the basis of a pedagogical experiment, which covered 88 people. The analyses are mainly based on quantitative data
obtained from: knowledge and skills tests, observations, as well as surveys. The research material was supplemented with qualitative data obtained through interviews. The selection
of the research group was intentional. The author used such statistics as: mean, median and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.


new technologies in prevention; new media; information technology; interactive educational resources; students of rehabilitation pedagogy

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Published : 2020-12-29

Majewska, K. (2020). Preparing students of social rehabilitation pedagogy to apply new technologies in the prevention of problems of adolescents. Resocjalizacja Polska, (20), 283-298.

Kamila Majewska 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu  Poland

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