Solving identity problems by students of Polish universities and the phenomenon of problem drinking


In a non-homogeneous system of cultural meanings, identity formation becomes a cognitive practice based on permanent individual experimentation. The article is focused on identity
formation issues, a process that depends on the social conditions in which it occurs, and the typical qualities of cognitive processes of individuals participating in it. Both factors may support and interfere with the process of reaching a mature identity (obtaining the effect of complete identity). In the identity context, this implies: the result of one’s own exploration and the commitments made on its basis, and with them important life decisions. The cognitive orientations involved in the process of identity formation may indicate different identity styles, which should be understood as different ways of dealing with identity problems. Identity styles refer to beliefs, attitudes, ways of dealing with different situations and making important life decisions to resolve identity conflicts. In the article I refer to identity styles used by students of Polish state and private universities, showing the differences in processing information, negotiating identity issues and singularities related to problems resulting from drinking alcohol,
which makes them, from a cognitive point of view, important and analytically up-to-date.


identity problems; academic youth; problems resulting from drinking alcohol

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Published : 2020-11-01

Cybal-Michalska, A. (2020). Solving identity problems by students of Polish universities and the phenomenon of problem drinking. Resocjalizacja Polska, (19), 215–228.

Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska 
Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu  Poland

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