The systemic position of the State Commission for the Explanation of Actions Against Sexual Liberty and Decency of Minors Under 15 Years of Age


At present, a socially significant problem resounding in the space of public discussion is the lack of a proper response of state organs and various social institutions in the past, on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children less than 15 years old. In many cases it led to the expiration for these crimes and the inability to punish the perpetrators and thus a sense of profound injustice among the victims of these acts. A similar situation concerned the failure to notify law enforcement authorities of such crimes despite having reliable information. The legal answer is the establishment of a new administrative body: the State Commission for the Explanation of Actions Against Sexual Liberty and Decency of Minors Under 15 Years of Age. The subject of the analysis is to indicate the political position of the Commission through the prism of other institutions operating in the Polish legal system, such as the Ombudsman (RPO) or the Children’s Ombudsman (RPD). The subject of the analysis is in the indication of the competence of the Commission and the status of members allows to identify possible threats that occur in the process of operation and implementation of assigned tasks. There is no similar analysis in the literature so far, because the emphasis on scientific discussion has been placed on the criminal-law guarantees of a person who can be entered in the Register of Sexual Offenders. The comparative method is being considered. They analyze systemic solutions in relation to the operation and method of organization, other bodies, broadly understood state administration, and focus on mechanisms that guarantee the effective work of the Commission.


State Commission for the Explanation of Actions Against Sexual Liberty and Decency of Minors Under 15 Years of Age; pedophilia; Register of Sexual Offenders; administration authority

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Published : 2020-11-01

Klimaszewski, M. (2020). The systemic position of the State Commission for the Explanation of Actions Against Sexual Liberty and Decency of Minors Under 15 Years of Age. Resocjalizacja Polska, (19), 145-164.

Michał Klimaszewski 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego  Poland

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