Rehabilitation pedagogy towards (re)socialization of youth in the „augmented reality”. Commentary on the phenomenon of empathy and aggression on the Internet


The presented article is an attempt to signal a new problem posing a challenge for contemporary rehabilitation educators. In a rapidly changing social reality, a face to face social
interaction is increasingly being reduced in favor of contacts averaged by digital technology. The question arises whether this phenomenon can be used in rehabilitation work with the
supervised persons, and above all, if there any prerequisites for carrying out rehabilitation activities in cyberspace, for example using online social media.


rehabilitation pedagogy; socialization; rehabilitation; aggression; empathy; Internet; „augmented reality”; „virtual world”; empirical research

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Published : 2020-11-01

Konopczyński, M. (2020). Rehabilitation pedagogy towards (re)socialization of youth in the „augmented reality”. Commentary on the phenomenon of empathy and aggression on the Internet. Resocjalizacja Polska, (19), 9-33.

Marek Konopczyński 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku  Poland

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