Change in paradigms in addiction therapy


Paradigms constitute a model description of the problems and their solutions. They are important as certain methods of work, ideas for interpreting e.g. behaviour of people, in need for help, criteria for success or failure come from them. Recent years have brought an important change, which can still be seen happening, of paradigms in theraupetic rehabilitation in the area of understanding addicts as well as the understanding of addiction itself. The change influences the occurences of new therapeutic programs, which are no longer focused on sobriety itself, but it also has a huge influence on programs limiting alcohol abuse nad reducing its negative consequences and damage. It must be emphasized that these are programs which are not designed for everyone and each of them is dedicated to strictly defined group of people with an addiction in a broad sense.


Paradigms; addiction; motivation; alcohol abuse programs; programs of reducing the damage

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Published : 2019-03-07

Głowik, T. (2019). Change in paradigms in addiction therapy. Resocjalizacja Polska, (17), 91–101.

Tomasz Głowik
The Maria Grzegorzewska University  Poland

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