Judicial mediation in the opinion of minors who manifest and experience violence


Mediation proceedings in juvenile cases are held with the participation of the youth infringing legal norms. They provide compensation to the victims, and at the same time avoid placement in social rehabilitation facilities, as well as obtain forgiveness, and decrease the level of shame and guilt. The aim of the studies was to learn the opinions of minors on the subject of judicial mediation. Hence, minor boys from the Probation Centre No. 3 in Świdnik were subject to these studies. The “A” and “O” scales of K. Kmiecik-Baran and questionnaire of own work on the subject of mediation were used.


judicial mediation; violence; juvenile

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Published : 2014-12-30

Lewicka-Zelent, A., & Parcheta-Kowalik, M. (2014). Judicial mediation in the opinion of minors who manifest and experience violence. Resocjalizacja Polska, (8), 157-172. Retrieved from https://www.resocjalizacjapolska.pl/index.php/rp/article/view/189

Agnieszka Lewicka-Zelent 
Uniwersytet Marii-Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie  Poland
Małgorzata Parcheta-Kowalik 
Uniwersytet Marii-Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie  Poland

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