Diversion in juvenile justice in England and Wales


Antisocial behaviour is displayed more often by children and young people nowadays. This situation must lead to a modification of current proceedings. One tire may be seen in prevention and early intervention undertaken not by the criminal justice system but the local authorities. On the example of the English and Welsh system, the author puts forward a whole range of diversion, which may be applied in the case of minors violating normative order.


juvenile; youth; diversion; anti-social behaviour; LASPO

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Published : 2019-12-12

Muskała, M. (2019). Diversion in juvenile justice in England and Wales. Resocjalizacja Polska, (8), 27-42. Retrieved from https://www.resocjalizacjapolska.pl/index.php/rp/article/view/181

Maciej Muskała 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu  Poland

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