Parenting Styles in the Family of Origin in the Perception of Adolescents with Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders - Analysis of Dependencies


Authors made the attempt of the analysis of the mechanisms of internalization, externalization and mixed disorders, attitudes related to upbringing (parenting styles) parents: mother and father. The study was conducted among junior high school students on the identified different types of disorders, and they relate to the perception of the dominant styles of education in the family of origin. Adopted the classification of parenting styles in terms from Maria Ryś, who singled styles: democratic, autocratic, liberal loving and liberal unloving. Identification of the types of disorders was made based on Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) Thomas M. Achenbach. Analysis of relationship between the types and dimensions (syndromes) disorders of adaptation and parenting styles in the family of origin, showed that the attitude of parenting a small extent determine the differences in the types of adjustment disorder, but specific trends are visible, indicating a link between certain dimensions of the problems with parenting styles preferred by the mother and father: (1) internalization disorders are associated significantly with father’s upbringing attitudes (attitude autocratic and liberal loving), causing the severity of problems in the functioning of interpersonal (social issues); (2) mixed disorders are associated significantly with mother upbringing attitudes (attitude democratic, autocratic, liberal loving and unlovely), triggering disorders of withdrawal, anxietydepressive and behaviour unadjusted; externalization disorders are associated with upbringing attitudes of both parents (democratic and liberal attitude of loving), releasing mainly somatic complaints and anxiety-depressive disorder.


parenting styles; internalization disorders; externalization disorders; mixed disorders; youth; mechanisms of disorders

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Published : 2015-07-28

Ostafińska-Molik, B., & Wysocka, E. (2015). Parenting Styles in the Family of Origin in the Perception of Adolescents with Internalizing and Externalizing Disorders - Analysis of Dependencies. Resocjalizacja Polska, (9), 97-119. Retrieved from

Barbara Ostafińska-Molik 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland
Ewa Wysocka 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland

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