The Process of Social Rehabilitation in the Perspective of Neuroscience Achievements


The purpose of this article is to identify opportunities for change in the field of behavioral habits, beliefs, as well as the emotional life of a person, which reveal themselves in the light of the results of research conducted by neurologists using cutting-edge brain imaging techniques. Knowledge of neuroscience shows that the changes needed in the process resocialization, are possible and available to people who consciously seek them and control them. This knowledge should be used in the case of social reintegration addressed to people who have problems with self-awareness, motivation for change and belief in success.


resocialization; the process of resocialization; neuroscience.

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Published : 2015-12-30

Mudrecka, I. (2015). The Process of Social Rehabilitation in the Perspective of Neuroscience Achievements. Resocjalizacja Polska, (10), 15-25. Retrieved from

Irena Mudrecka 
Pedagogium Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie  Poland

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