Changes in the Behavior Problems of Young People from „Houses for Children”


The theoretical basis of the study is the concept of attachment formulated by John Bowlby. Among other things, it forms the basis for explaining problem behavior in children with disrupted bonds with their parents. The aim of this study was to present the problem behaviors of young people from “Homes for Children” at the beginning of their stay and after one year. Problem behaviors were diagnosed using Thomas Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist – a survey on problem behavior. During the year-long stay of charges in the “Home for Children”, it can be stated that there was a significant improvement in their functioning on the scale of thinking disorders, withdrawal, anxiety and depression. However, changes in the area of other problem behaviors did not show statistically significant differences.


problem behaviors; foster care; attachment

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Legal acts

The act on supporting the family and system of foster care of 9 June 2011, Journal of Laws RP, Warsaw, 10 March 2015, item 332.

Published : 2016-12-13

Opora, R. (2016). Changes in the Behavior Problems of Young People from „Houses for Children”. Resocjalizacja Polska, (11), 133-144.

Robert Opora 
University of Gdansk  Poland

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